永嘉縣華瑞服飾有限公司坐落在有“中國紐扣之都”之稱的溫州市橋頭鎮。公司主要生產銷售樹脂紐扣、天然果實扣、金屬扣、ABS電鍍扣、仿皮扣、高檔裝飾扣等服裝輔料。 華瑞秉承人性化的管理,完美的品質,網絡化的行銷理念,贏得了廣大客戶的信賴。華瑞的成長離不開您的支持,感謝您對華瑞的關注。聯系電話:021-33761377手機15000452898 QQ513151461 MSN:liuzhiqiang1234@hotmail.com 劉經理 Yongjia Huarui Garments Co.Ltd. Situated in Qiaotou Town ,Wenzhou City , Zhejiang Province , a town entitled“Capital of Buttons in China” . The main production and distribution in company contain polyester buttons , corozo buttons, metal buttons ,ABS plating buttons ,imitation leather buttons and top grade decorative buttons etc . Huarui has won the trust of customers because of our human management , prefect quality ,network marketing concept .Huarui can not grow up without your support ,so that thank you very much for your attention to Huarui |