基 本 信 息 姓 名: 陳懷忠arzaunchen 性 別: 男 出生日期: 1968年10月21日 居 住 地: 上海市 工作年限: 十八年以上 身份證號: 120102196810210716 目前年薪: 8-12萬人民幣 地 址: 上海市康橋鎮滬南路3468弄美林小城119-1202 郵 編: 201315 電子郵件: arzaun792892@hotmail.com 移動電話: 13916792892 自 我 評 價 18年專業從事工廠的紡織工程類工作,具有豐富地現場生產管理經驗,以及技術設備管理經驗。擅長標準化、制度化的管理模式,能夠快速地發現問題解決問題總結問題和預防問題的再次發生。能夠組織和帶領一支過硬的優秀團隊,全心身地投入到工作中去,事事追求完美。熟悉生產過程中各環節各崗位的崗位職責、培訓手法和績效考核辦法。 求 職 意 向 希望行業: 紡織/印染 /縫紉 目標地點: 上海市 期望工資: 面議 目標職能: 生產經理/車間主任,工廠經理/廠長 工 作 經 驗 2008/01-07:塔達希國際時裝有限公司 /紡織縫紉/生產經理 協調各加工工廠,協調各部門工作,使得訂單按時保質保量地完成. 2006/11-2007/12:杰米國際有限公司(上海杰米手套有限公司)/紡織縫紉/工廠廠長 負責整個工廠的運作,整頓生產經營秩序,完善各項規章制度. 2002/08—2006/10:上海嘉翰實業有限公司(常州嘉展染絲有限公司)/總經理室 /紗線染色廠廠長 確保產品質量一致性,運作整個企業的生產。策劃籌建和良好運作一個注冊資金為800萬元的染色工廠。 擅長于工廠的生產管理,對推行5S、6σ有豐富的現場經驗,事事追求完美。 2001/03--2002/08:遠紡工業(上海)有限公司/生產部/技術研發工程師 運轉主管 運轉班的現場生產管理,完成課長交待的各項任務. 1996/03-2001/03:浙江西猛人造毛皮有限公司/生產部/車間主任 車間生產管理工作. 1990/07-1996/03:江西南昌毛毯廠/技術科科長 教 育 經 歷 1986/09--1990/07 天津紡織工學院 紡織工程 本科 JASON CHEN male | Married | 1968 | HuKou:jiangxi nanhui shanghai China 13916792892 | arzaun792892@hotmail.com Work Experience:>18years Desired Salary:8,000RMB/Month Self-estimate: -Responsible for organize and develop the plant techniques support, coordination with plants to ensure a stability and consistency product quality - Assist in plant products technical improvement and production guideline management. - Responsible for product service department technical improvement. - Organizing and planning new product development plan and execution. - Product development preliminary marketing survey and analysis on technical side. - Study on whether the company has enough equipment and capacity to involve the project, analysis other potential technical and design issue. - Document control of standard or specific products - Technical support to Sales and Marketing department - Could working under pressure, and be patient. - Willing to take challenges from new knowledge and new application. - Honest, carefulness, good interpersonal skill. - Understand industrial products technical and new product development process and procedure. - Good analysis and problem solve skill, Familiar with relevant computer software. - Professional basic knowledge. Hard working; Management the process of product development. - Out-of-box thinking; Team work spirit; Logical thinking while deal with cases. Work Experience: 2002.8-2006.10: shanghai expansion industry co.,ltd.(changzhou jiazhan silk-dyeing co.,ltd.) | Product Technical Manager | shanghai nanhui(jiangsu changzhou) Apparel/Textiles | |State Owned |500-999 | 6001-8000RMB/Month Management the standard procedure of plant techniques and quality system. - Support on manufacturing quality and technical capability improvement. - Product standard management; Sales staff technical training support. - New product development and new application expanding - Routine management, and department budget control 2006.11-2007.12 Jmi international co.,ltd.(shanghai jmi gloves co.,ltd.) factory manager 2008.01-2008.07 TADASHI international co.,ltd. Product manager Education: 1986.9-1990.7: Textile Engineering | Bachelor | TIANJIN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY(TIANJIN TEXTILE INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE) | Tianjin china |